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Because of this lovely lady I now know what kinds of things I need in my life to make it as fulfilling and healthy as possible. In a heartbeat I would recommend Natasha to anyone needing a bit of a healthy boost in their life.


Katya B., NYC

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Image by Avel Chuklanov


Greens. Grains. Gorgeous.+ is a hybrid program option for women who know they need some extra support or who have some more significant health concerns to work through.


In addition to the signature 12-week online program, you can choose to add 6 or 12 one-on-one sessions with me where we'll go deeper into your individualized healing, mindset work, and 

6 One-on-One Session Add-On

If you need extra 1:1 support throughout the 12 week program, to dig deeper into your specific health concerns, or to motivate you and keep you on track

12 One-on-One Session Add-On

If you need extra 1:1 support throughout the program and 3 months of continued work together after to help integrate and keep your progress going!

Not sure which option is right for you?

Click here to schedule an initial consultation, where we'll discuss your goals and concerns in depth and discover the best approach to help you get there!

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