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About Natasha Uspensky

I am in the business of changing lives.

Throughout my years in private practice as a holistic nutritionist, I've worked with countless women who are sick of dieting, sick of the loads of misinformation about food and supplementation, sick of feeling stressed out, strung out, and unhappy. In our private sessions, we dig deep into what's really going on.  Because let's be honest, we all know it's not really the cookies that are the problem--it's what makes us crave the cookies.  My clients don't just transform their bodies, they transform their entire lives, and I am thrilled to continue spreading the message of easy, intuitive, vibrant health through my many programs.


But I started with my own life.


While traveling abroad in my early 20's, I got sick. Like, crazy, mysterious, gained-50-lbs-in-just-a-few-months-and-had-no-idea-why -- sick. I saw a dozen doctors, who gave me a dozen diagnoses, none of which made a whole lot of sense, and none of which made me feel any better. 


Thus began my lifelong quest of figuring out the mysteries of the body, which led to a deep understanding of how food, lifestyle, toxins, and mindset effect the totality of our health. Frustrated with the lack of information geared towards my specific body and imbalances, I tried every diet out there, from South Beach and macrobiotics, to raw foods and yes, even The Karl Lagerfeld Diet (don't even ask).  I hated feeling confused and powerless over my body, and I was sick of getting conflicting advice everywhere I looked.

My journey towards uncovering a sustainable solution to feeling healthy, slim, and happy turned into a full-blown passion, and I soon left my career as a performing artist to return to school, becoming a certified expert in the field. While studying holistic nutrition, I discovered the magic of Ayurveda, and was in awe of this ancient, intuitive approach to wellness.  I began to create my own, signature approach to healthy eating and living that blends ancient Ayurveda wisdom with our modern, western lifestyles.  It worked so well on my own body and health, and that of my family and friends who came to me seeking advice, that I knew I needed to spread the word.  It was then that NU Health & Wellness was born, bringing a truly unique approach to health, wellness, and weight loss to the murky world of diets.


In addition to my international, Zoom-based private practice, I created the online program, Greens. Grains. Gorgeous., lead workshops and seminars, founded the health and wellness blog, The Organic Beauty, and create content for several publications. 


My specialties:

  • Healthy, sustainable weight loss

  • Digestive and gastrointestinal problems

  • Hormonal imbalance, painful periods, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, fertility and natural conception

  • Stress management

  • Fatigue and low energy

  • Anxiety and depression

  • The unique dietary and health concerns of busy professional women, moms, and moms-to-be

My manifesto:

I believe that fads and diets are not the answer to long term health and wellness. I believe that we all have an intuitive sense of what our bodies need. Reconnecting to this intuitive wisdom frees us from the confusion, frustration, and self-criticism that comes from being beholden to the "next big thing" without any sense of our own bio-individuality. 


I believe that health and weight are about so much more than what you are and are not eating. When, how and why you're eating play an integral role in eliminating food drama, for life. Movement that you actually enjoy, fulfilling work, supportive relationships, and prioritizing self-care helps you to create a life you love, which takes the onus off of food to be your source of relaxation, reward, and restoration. 


I believe that loving and understanding our bodies and ourselves is crucial to sustainable wellness and happiness. We can be a wellspring of inspiration, joy, and radiance in our own lives. 


I believe that the time to start living the life you've always dreamed of is right now -- not when you lose 10 lbs., land that perfect job, or meet your soulmate. Your dream life and body are there, waiting for you. Let's begin. 

Where I learned my stuff:

I received my education in Holistic Health from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, which integrates the knowledge of traditional and ancient eastern philosophies with modern Western science and lifestyles. I am Board Certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners as a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, am a member of the American Nutrition Association, and the International Association of Health Coaches.  I completed my advanced Ayurvedic certification at Bastyr University, studying with KP Khalsa, one of the foremost natural healing experts in North America.


I also hold a double degree from Oberlin College and Conservatory in Modern Media & Culture, and Voice Performance.


In my early career, I worked as an opera singer, actress, model, and voiceover artist in New York City, which certainly taught me a thing or two about the importance of self-care and maintaining a positive self-image, regardless of what life threw my way. After living in New York for 10 years, I moved to beautiful Santa Monica, CA with my amazing husband, Jonathan, our ridiculously adorable Pomeranian, Badgley Mischka, and our sweet baby girl.  I've transitioned my practice entirely to Zoom so that I can work with clients all over the world!

Are you an aspiring holistic practitioner?

The field of holistic health is an amazingly fulfilling and exciting career path. Although I have mentored many new and aspiring practitioners in the past, now, as a mother, I don't currently have the capacity to take on mentorships.  If you would like to pick my brain about my path and how I grew my business, I would be happy to chat with you in a 30 minute Zoom "Ask Me Anything" session!  Please click here to book a time with me!

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