I have never encountered a nutritionist, diet/food book or expert who comes anywhere close to the realm within which Natasha operates. I give her my highest recommendation. Working with Natasha has been a dramatic life changer.
- Leah R., Writer

You must believe me when I tell you that Natasha has changed my life...
If it weren't for Natasha I would still be waiting for my life to be exactly right. Waiting and waiting, not realizing that all I had to do was get up and take the first step.

It may be hard to trust the veracity of a first time yelp reviewer, but you must. You must believe me when I tell you that Natasha has changed my life; so much so that I created a Yelp account just so I could tell you about her. It started like this: I was fat and sick and tired. It seemed that even though I "understood nutrition" I couldn't get my ass in gear to do anything about it. I looked at a bunch of different programs and decided on Natasha because she seemed the most normal. I steeled myself for an uncomfortable first meeting, where I'd get on the scale and get handed a list of pre-approved foods and a blank food diary.
This is NOT what happened.
Firstly, Natasha hugged me. I don't do hugs. Or rather, I didn't do hugs. But Natasha hugged me and sat me down and was like, 'So, what's going on?' There was no scale in the room. There were no BMI charts, or funky food pyramids, or inspirational platitudes. It was just sassy pants, hugger Natasha asking me what was going on.
Well, what was going on was so much more than bad eating habits. I had given up on being alive and having fun. It all seemed so overwhelming that it was easier to order the cheeseburger deluxe on seamless and binge on another season of West Wing. Natasha showed me, without judging, how to begin making small changes to my routine - drinking more water, eating a healthy breakfast and a larger lunch - small changes that had a huge impact on my general well-being. This, in turn, motivated me to continue changing - getting off the couch, finding exercise I actually enjoy, cooking (!). What had once seemed so overwhelming, became easy to adopt because Natasha gave me the gift of time; time to get it right, time to explore what worked for me. I realized that it wasn't about turning a switch and getting everything exactly right, all at once. It was about the journey, and with that, realizing that life can actually be awesome.
- Molly S., Advertising Exec

I have never encountered a nutritionist, diet/food book or expert who comes anywhere close to the realm within which Natasha operates. I give her my highest recommendation. Working with Natasha has been a dramatic life changer.
Natasha is an extraordinary person. Warm, knowledgeable, patient, with it, guiding without ever being condescending, full of answers - but answers that are grounded in you nourishing your own power. Her work goes so far beyond food -which is why it is effective - because food is never just about food. For such a messy difficult topic, she is the incredibly rare person who can actually help you make true progress.
- Leah R., Writer

I guess the easiest thing to say is that Natasha completely changed my life...
Talking with Natasha every week is like having a super-positive best friend who happens to be full of incredible advice. If you're looking to make real changes in your lifestyle, no one is better to help than Natasha.
When I signed up with her, I was a stressed out mess with a horrible relationship with food. I barely ate during working hours, starved through a miserable gym session, and then binged at dinner on processed 'fat-free' or 'low-calorie' junk. I lost some weight, but I was constantly tired and spent too much time calorie-counting everything. Seriously, I'd been living this way for years.
After working with Natasha for six months, I learned so much about food and lifestyle in general - I learned to meditate, found exercises I don't hate doing, learned to create time for myself, learned to create time for my relationships, etc. I found a new job, lost weight, and I just generally feel better. Every time I start to have a rough time in some aspect of my life, I always think of something Natasha taught me that I can go back to.
- Leigh H., Business Specialist

Working with Natasha was a breath of fresh air after trying so many diets, therapies, approaches to nutrition and health.
Not only did her well-informed yet laidback philosophy inspire me to slow down and evaluate all areas of my life, but the simple tactics she taught me have been useful over the past several months of adjusting my habits with food. My life rapidly and dramatically changed as I had increased confidence in decision-making and more of myself emerged in the process. I believe Natasha would say that I did all the work and she would be right. But she gave me the tools to renovate all the houses of my life and for that I am inexplicably grateful.
-Rossana S., Financial Controller

Natasha is extraordinary! I signed up for nutritional coaching...and what I got was that, plus a whole lot more.
She's become such a trusted confidant and thought partner that I don't know what I would have done without her
rooting me on during a rough patch.
I was eating pretty healthy before our sessions started - so I thought! Of course, there is always room for improvement and Natasha found a way to get me from good to great habits. Now I feel very balanced in energy and nourished from my diet, something that I was missing before. Additionally, Natasha's been able to help me break through some big fears/self-limiting behaviors - expressing my needs, taking my supplements regularly every day, finding ways to add nourishing love to each meal, just to name a few.
But there is so much more beyond just "what" I learned, I'm so grateful to have met Natasha. She's such a bright, uplifting, beautiful person that I leave each session feeling inspired, recharged and with new, challenging but attainable goals.
I really don't think I could have gotten much healthier on my own, without her. She's brought a lot of new ideas and perspectives to my attention and it's so much more efficient to learn it from Natasha. Her notes are exactly on point and make it possible to understand and implement new habits much faster.
- Elena R., Holistic Facialist and owner of Elena Rubin Skincare

I feel healthier and have more energy every day because of
the wisdom this girl has given me.
Natasha is nothing short of a miracle.
Natasha Uspensky came into my life exactly when I needed her. I had been getting sick frequently--like, every two or three weeks. I tried traditional medications, doctor visits, and even acupuncture, with no results. Finally, it occurred to me that my diet might be playing a bigger role than I had considered before.
I interviewed a handful of nutritionists, and something about this girl just felt right. She was real; it was like I was talking to an insta-friend, you know? She's the perfect balance of knowing your stuff and making it accessible, and I feel like I can tell her anything with no judgement on her part. "Why, yes, I did just wash down an enormous bagel and chocolate chip cookie with 2 Cokes" might be met with, "Okay, how can we do better next time?" She's gentle, and she reminds you that you have the power over your life.
Natasha taught me about self-care, green smoothies (tried one yet? Life changing, hand to God), and about candida. With her guidance and expertise, I've been able to make complete overhauls to my way of eating--and my entire life! I've banished sugar cravings and gotten off the soda wagon, which I never thought would have even been possible. I treat myself and my body like it deserves the best now, because it does. (We only have one, right?)
- Lauren Z., Writer and Owner of Tiny Happy Empire

[Natasha] is full of guidance and help, and even tough love when I needed it. She changed my life, and I couldn't recommend her more.
a hormonal disorder that caused me to skip periods and gain insane amounts of weight. I was eating the best I could, starving all the time, and working out way more than I needed to. And I was putting on weight, FAST. I went to a gynecologist who put me on pills that didn't work, and everyday, I hated myself more and more. I was disappointed with my life, and with myself. I was in an extremely dark place before I found Natasha.
What I loved about her immediately was that she was all about helping me in a holistic, healthy way. She was knowledgable and kind, and she showed me how wrong I was just going crazy with diet and exercise, and how that was actually making me gain weight. She showed me the connection between mind and body, taught me ways to relax that I enjoyed, and truly made me love my life so much more.
- Nikhita M., Journalist

Natasha couldn't have been nicer to work with. I looked forward to our sessions and miss our chats now that we're done! I would highly recommend Natasha to anyone who wants to live their best life!
I initially found Natasha here on Yelp when I was feeling overwhelmed by food allergies and stomach aches. I reached out to her for a consultation and immediately clicked with her. She didn't tell me to take fiber supplements and then dismiss me like a doctor once had. She understood what I was going through and had so many ideas on how we could fix things. In dealing with these food allergies, I've learned a lot about different wellness practices. But Natasha had even more for me to learn... and most importantly, she helped connect all the dots to get everything working together. It turned out, the biggest issue I was facing was an overload of stress and not taking care of myself. Natasha helped me to put everything in perspective and really start treating myself better. I don't feel overwhelmed anymore - I feel like I have the tools to live a happy, healthy life.
- Lindsey C., Health & Wellness Coach

Because of this lovely lady I now know what kinds of things I need in my life to make it as fulfilling and healthy as possible. In a heartbeat I would recommend Natasha to anyone needing a bit of a healthy boost in their life.
I came to Natasha in hopes of balancing my hormones after I had been feeling off for quite some time. What I got out of my sessions with her was really more than I had expected.
Natasha not only changed my eating habits -- for the better -- but she made me realize the importance of addressing health issues holistically. Diet and exercise are not the only things that affect your health. Your friendships, your jobs, your level of happiness, (among other things) all play an important role.
Natasha is extremely friendly, funny and knowledgeable, which made it extremely easy to talk to her about anything that was on my mind. Her outgoing and supportive personality makes her a wonderful person to gently push you in the direction of a happy and fulfilling life; whether that means quitting your job, exercising more, or pursuing your true passions. She is truly supportive of any goal you want to pursue, as long as it will have a positive influence of course. I can honestly say that each time I left Natasha's cozy office I felt inspired and excited about life.
I went out of the country for a few months and Natasha was willing to Skype with me, send me email updates, and even finish up our sessions when I returned. She was always there and ready to answer any questions I had.
-Katya B., Journalist

Natasha is a wonderful person and is unbelievably supportive throughout any issue. Her advice cannot be beat and I view her as a trusted confidant and friend!
If you are having hesitations about starting a nutrition program, do not any longer - go see Natasha! I promise you will be glad you did!
I was fortunate enough to find Natasha through a Yelp search so I feel compelled to review her program on here so that others can discover a similar transformative experience as I have had!
Initially when looking for a nutritionist, I knew I had some inconsistencies with my food habits that could be better but I really never imagined that my whole life would be improved! Natasha's approach is holistic and she works with you on all aspects of your lifestyle. She has provided me with so many tools to be a better version of myself and a happier person all around.
I have now completed a 6 month program with Natasha and in that time my eating habits and diet have turned a 180 and I finally feel like I have complete control over my weight. I have gone from zero workouts a week to being a frequent gym visitor. I now know which supplements to take and healthier products to use. I am sleeping better, have more energy and she has even helped me learn how to improve my personal relationships and my career. Oh yeah and I was finally able to quit smoking!
- Amanda S., Marketing Manager

It's difficult to put into words how wonderful Natasha is. In addressing all areas of my life--work, relationships, home environment, etc.
Natasha set me on a path to really integrate healthy habits in as many ways as possible. She's incredible!
After more than a year of trying to educate myself on nutrition, I signed up for sessions with the goal of becoming well-informed about food and my relationship with it. Natasha quickly and easily identified my needs, provided the pertinent information, and guided me to resolving my own challenges to becoming and staying truly healthy. On top of that, she consistently provided genuine encouragement and inspiration in all different facets of my life. After several sessions and lots of on-call support from Natasha, I eliminated dairy, cut back on meat, and really diversified my diet with gluten-free grains and veggies. I no longer need caffeine in the morning and feel more energetic without it. I've amped up my yoga practice and have learned the importance of doing so. Her two-week cleanse was amazing and left me feeling refreshed and with a real sense of clarity.
Although my initial purpose of working with Natasha was to learn more about nutrition, I am so grateful to her for guiding me in a direction where I now understand how the holistic meaning of health.
- Sarah B., Lawyer

I haven't felt this good in at least 10 years. I'm much less stressed, happier, thinner, and healthier! Thank you Natasha for being so wonderful! You are a life changer!
Working with Natasha was a gift better than I could have ever imagined. Prior to going to Natasha, I always thought I was a healthy person. I worked out extremely hard at the gym, going at least 5 days a week and I thought I ate very well. However, I never lost weight and during certain periods I actually gained weight and a lot of it! I couldn't understand why and I was totally confused about what to do. After I started seeing Natasha, dramatic results started to happen. I lost 15 pounds, my skin is glowing more than ever, I'm much more confident, and I am now open to new things I never thought I would embrace. Just about everyone I know compliments me with, Wow you look amazing! your skin is gorgeous, you're radiant, you're glowing! The compliments keep coming.
-Thara T., Human Resources

A beautiful, nurturing cheerleader, Natasha knows her stuff!
Always available to answer a call or email, Natasha counseled me through my food struggles to help me uncover their emotional roots. Sharing recipes, life guides and personal experiences, Natasha's frank, humorous and loving approach gave me hope and perspective with my life's work of living a healthy, balanced life. I love her words, her program and her simple approach to living well through routine, self love and conscious choices. She is wonderful!
- Natanya S., Teacher, Writer, and Director